Termite Control Pequannock NJ

Why You Need Year Round Termite Control in Pequannock NJ!


Find out why Termite control in Pequannock NJ is not just a warm season problem.

For most Pequannock New Jersey residents, the winter months are normally considered the quiet months when it comes to annoying and destructive household pests. Many bugs die off as the cold winter months set in while others tend to hunker down until the chilly weather passes.

Termites in Pequannock NJ work all year long

Some pests like termites might appear to be dormant because you can’t see them, but they are actually up to their sneaky ways and attacking Pequannock NJ homes in massive quantities. Ask any Pequannock Exterminator and he will tell you that Termites in Northern NJ are a year-round pest that continue to do damage to your home or business even in the winter months. Not having a year round termite control plan can prove to be very costly if you live in the Pequannock NJ area.

What is the most common termite found in Pequannock homes?

Eastern subterranean termite colonies can range from 60,000 to over a million termites. More than 600,000 homes in the United States will suffer significant structural damage each year because of subterranean termites. Over $5 billion will be spent on the property damage caused by subterranean termites, of which, not a penny will be reimbursed by any insurance company! That is why it is smart to schedule a termite inspection at least once a year.

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The subterranean termite is the only termite that you will find in Pequannock New Jersey. As the warmer days return to Pequannock NJ, termite activity becomes more noticeable.

When do you usually see termites in Pequannock NJ?

Termites will typically be found swarming in the Pequannock area on a warm day just after a rain fall. Termites are not good flyers. Once they reach the surface, the winged reproductives take with the wind.

After finding a mate, they land, drop their wings and begin their trek underground to develop a new termite colony. Termite swarms can number into the thousands. Thankfully, some termites fall victim to birds and other prey during the swarming process.

How do you get rid of Termites in your Pequannock home or business?

Getting rid of Termites is not a do-it-yourself type of pest control. First and foremost you should call an exterminator for a termite inspection. A trained Pequannock NJ exterminator can do a thorough termite inspection of your home and knows exactly what to look for. Termites will attack your home quietly causing extensive and expensive structural damage. Assure pest control services offers expert termite pest control services in Pequannock New Jersey.

Call Assure Pest Control Service today at 973-525-6418 for termite treatment, termite control, or termite inspection in Pequannock NJ.